Friday 30 December 2011

dipenghujung 2011...( end of year 2011)

Assalammualaikum.... greeting to all...

sesungguhnya sungguh panas masa berlalu....tanpa kita sedari, kita dah tinggal kurang dua hari saja lagi ut melangkah ke tahun baru,2012...

sesungguhnya tahun 2011 byk perkara berlaku...byk pengalaman yg dikutip utk dijadikan tauladan dan sempadan... ada yg berlaku tanpa kita sedari... ujian dan cubaan daripada Allah S.W.T itu utk kita sentiasa beringat dan menyedarkan kita dari kealpaan....
ujian itu juga bukti kecintaan Allah kepada semua... sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa bersama kita...

satu demi satu pengajaran dan ia menjadi satu lembaran dlm lipatan sejarah hidup kita masing2...

ada yg pahit... ada yg manis...
ada yg mengembirakan..ada yg mendukacitakan...

sama2 kita meningkatkan ketaqwaan diri kita kepada Alah utk mendapatkan keberkatan dan rahmatNya selalu..

salam penghujung tahun 2011...
semoga kita semua lebih berjaya ditahun2 hadapan..insya-Allah

Friday 14 October 2011

....muhasabah diri...

sometimes when ur alone....then its pretty ez to do it.... means that loneliness when give u a.great.impact when we want to do "muhasabah"...

apa yg aku selalu buat bila bermuhasabah diri...???
perkara yg pertama sekali aku buat adalah aku panjatkan doa kesyukuran kepada ilahi...sentiasa memberikan aku hidayah dan petunjuk dlm hidup.

dlm hidup kita tak akan sunyi daripada apa jua cubaan.dugaan.dan ujian2 daripadaNya. apa yg perlu kita ingati adalah....sesungguhnya setiap ujian daripadaNya itu adalah tanda.sayangnya Allah kepada diri kita....

kita tak akan terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan..."nobody is perfect...except Allah"

dari segala kesilapan dan khilaf yg kita lalui,rasai dan semestinya kita.akan berkata kepada diri sendiri...." kenapa lah aku buat silap macam nie...?"
kita patut bersyukur....kerana silap dan salah itu akan membimbing diri kita kepada satu persembahan hidup mantap kerana kita belajar dari kesilapan yang kita lakukan dan bukan nya semata-matanya mengeluh ....

perkara kedua yg aku lakukan adalah mensyukuri apa jia pemberian Allah kepada aku selama ini..... sekiranya aku dilanda kesempitan....didugaan dengan ujian berbentuk masalah kewangan...aku akan cuba selidiki ... perhalusi apa perbuatan aku hari ini dan lampau yg mencetuskan ujian sebegitu....

dlm kita mengecapi rasa bahagia.rasa gembira. kita lupa akan keluarga kita di kampung halaman.mungkin ibu dan ayah kita sedang merindui kita.... perkara ini juga bole mencetuskan ujian daripada Allah..supaya kita jgn lupa akan ibu dan ayah kita yg selama ini menatang kita.membelai kita dengan kasih dan sayang.

apa yg aku lakukan adalah menelefon keluarga di kampung halaman...bertanyakan khabar dan berita...setidak-tidaknya kita akan dapat mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim.insya-Allah.

bukan mudah utk menjadi anak yg soleh...thats y kita selalu mendoakan semoga anak2 kita akan menjadi anak yg soleh dan solehah....yalah at least apa jua perbuatan.kita hari akan dihisab di akhirat kelak.

bukan mudah utk menjadi org yg berjaya....byk perkara dlm dunia nie akan.melalaikan kita sendiri...sebaik-baik kita cari duniawi...dan jgn kita.lupai akhirat yg pasti.

dlm persahabatan...kita akan pasti juga teruji dgn khilaf yg mungkin kita.sendiri tak sedari.thats y cermin diri kita yg terbaik adalah sahabat yg ada disekeliling kita bukannya sekadar kawan atau teman yg ada bila kita.senang...tapi mereka yg tetap ada disisi kita.apabila kita.rundung kesulitan dan permasalahan.itu lah sahabat sejati.
sahabat yg akan salingmengingati diri kita.
sabahat yg akan sama2 berusaha.mencari jln penyelesaian terhadap apa jua kekusutan.

ampunilah dosa kami
ampunilah dosa kedua-dua ibubapa kami
peliharalah dan berikanlah kesihatan tubuh mereka.berdua...
kasihi lah mereka sebagaiman mereka.telah menjaga dan mengasihani diri aku sejak dari aku dunia ini.

limpahi dan.berkati lah segala rezeki yang diberikan.kepada.kami
semoga kami tidak mudah alpa dengan kekayaan dunia....

suluhi lah .... terangkanlah perjalanan hidup kami dengan nurMu ya-Allah....

jauhilah kami dari bisikan.syaitan.yg engkau rejam...
jauhilah kami dari hasad dengki.riak.sombong.bongkak.kedekut
hiasilah kami dengan sabar.pemurah.dan semua kemuliaan disisimu ya-Allah...


Thursday 29 September 2011

Happy birthday to my lil princess

....Papa ucapkan selamat hari jadi...
Papa doakan semoga menjadi anak yg solehah....semoga menjadi insan yg berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat kelak....

Peluk dan cium dari Papa

Tuesday 16 August 2011

ramadhan ....ilya ramadhan... ramadhan dan aku...

kita mampu merancang...tapi hanya tuhan yg menentukan sama ada perancangan yg kita lakukan itu akan berjaya atau tidak....
tapi kita perlulah berusaha...utk memastikan perancangan itu sukses...

kita mudah mengeluh bilamana kita diuji oleh Allah..
kita lupa.bila kita diuji menunjukkan Allah masih menyayangi diri kita....

redha dan menerima hakikat yg telah tertulis....dan terus berusaha untuk menjadikan sesuatu itu berjaya dan menjadi satu kenyataan....

salam ramadhan...selamat beribadah... darky ..again

yep thanks again...with the new update....ehhehehe...
..after a few days...try n testing...
yep...its more faster ... n i think more clearer call voice quality...

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Alhamdulillah....hari ini aku dpt lagi menunaikan ibadah puasa....
pada hari ini ... sungguh besar dugaan Allah pada aku hari nie....insya-Allah aku akan hadapi dgn tenang...

yesterday....first day aku menunaikan ibadah puasa pada tahun nie...xde byk beza....cuma cara penghayatan dan juga cara sahur dan berbuka ada sedikit perbezaan...

Tuesday 5 July 2011

happy birthday.... 5th July 2011
is my 36yrs birthday....
hmmmm....nothing much to celebrate on my bday....ahhahaha...

at least i achieved something thru one year period since 2010...
i pray for Allah blessing.... hapiness ... health..wealth... insya-Allah

Saturday 11 June 2011

....adat resam lambang kebanggaan bangsa...

Alhamdullilah..kerana aku diberikan peliang utk merakamkan suatu adat yg bole dikatakan adat lama bago penduduk brunei...malam berbedak diberikan namanya....

adat ini dilangsungkan sehari selepas majlis akad nikah...

ia mempunyai persamaan ssperti juga adat bertepung tawar atau adat merenjis air mawar yg dikenali di negara Malaysia....

7 jenis tepung berwarna warni digunakan.seperti gamba yang saya sertakan disini...

insya-Allah saya akan update lebih lanjut mengenai adat ini dan juga adat2 yg terdapat di negara Brunei ini.

Friday 10 June 2011


....everyone.....once awhile do any kind of mistake.....whether is a huge mistake or just a minor mistake...
no matter how big is the mistake ...we have to take it....admit to it...and most important is try not to repeat the same mistake again....

some people maybe just take it for granted....or maybe bcoz of egois...but some people take it too serious...
maybe bcoz of sceptism ....

the best is...admit our mistake...

life is goes matter what our stand on the mistake...

there is a qoute.... i think a famous qoute about mistake.....

"dont worry to do a mistake...from the mistaken tat we done....we learn from it...."
and ofcos....nobody is prefect...thats for sure....

Wednesday 8 June 2011

rezeki halal....

dlm apa jua kita lakukan utk mencari sesuap rezeki haruslah difikirkan keberkatannya....tiada cara atau jalan yg mudah untuk berjaya dlm hidup....

rezeki yang halal bukan saja memberikan keberkatan dalam hidup di dunia malah tiket utk berjaya di akhirat kelak...

apa yg kitakan di dunia ini akan dihisab....akan dipersoalkan di padang marsya kelak.... yg menjadi saksi kepada setiap perbuatan kita bukan kawan2 kita..bukan saudara mara kita....bukan ahli keluarga kita...tapi anggota tubuh badan kita...

bak kata perpatah melayu, bersusah suah dahulu....bersenang senang kemudian.....

diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a katanya,"Nabi Muhammad S.A.W pernah bersabda," Janganlah kita ingin menjadi seperti orang lain kecuali dua orang ini. Pertama, orang yang diberikan boleh Allah kekayaan yang melimpah ruah dan dia belanjakan secara benar yakni di jalan yang adil dan berlandaskan perintah Allah. Kedua, orang yang diberikan Allah al-hikmah yakni ilmu dan dia berperangai.berkelakuan yang bersesuaian dan mengajarkan ilmu itu kepada orang lain."
hadis riwayat : al-bukhari.

setiap perbuatan kita ada matlamat nya masing-masing. tapi persoalan yg besar adalah apa yang kita inginkan dalam hidup ini...???
orang kaya dan orang.miskin ada ujian2 yg tersendiri. kerna ujian itu adalah untuk menguji keimanan kita terhadap Allah S.W.T

kaya hartavdan kaya ilmu bukan hanya menaikan nama kita atau kedudukan kita dalam masyarakat yakni sesama manusia tapi ia akan meningkatkan taraf kita disisi Allah sekiranya kita memanfaatkan apa yang kita perolehi itu dengan cara yang betul dan ikhlas di jalan Allah.

manfaatkanlah rezeki halal yang diperolehi ke jalan Allah.manfaatkanlah ilmu yang kita ada serta sebarkan ilmu itu utk org lain. insya-Allah . Allah akan membalaskannya secara berlipat kali ganda di dunia dan di akhirat kelak....insya-Allah

Tuesday 7 June 2011

social network....

i think everyone knows about social network...doesnt matter the network we use on what network. and so on....the biggest network is FACEBOOK....i think doubt...hehehhe

young generation sure know about it... n the older generation like my dad oso have his own account....its link up the web around the globe...

some people say why i need a facebook? why i need to publish something on the web....which do not whether people will see or read or like it....

for me, its doesnt matter....some of the photographer i know, they blog. they oso have their own website. their fb id. or even their own hosting server....hehehe.... as photographer . its crucial to have a good base...good networking....coz u get paid by the client.

as other hobbyist like - carz or bikerz....and etc....they oso have their own ways to promote n advertise their hobby...and ofcos having a fb is a bonus...cos we can expand our horizon more bigger os true?

having a social network such a facebook, sometimes help us to see other countries virtually....coz people will share their experience or their travelling journey in photos or write up....
such as flickr....its enjoying to see other photos from around.the globe.
and ofcos we.happy to see if our photo(s) been appreciate by other not about the "award" that we received from.the others... is more like a social respond....cos of such beautiful photo shot taken....

no doubt facebook can be agent of chaos....why i say tat????
i mean .... people mis-use the facebook platform to "date" some gal or boys out there.... having can be a wrong if u already married.... but if u r single....go a ahead.....its still give an advantage coz ....... what..??? i think we millons of answer for tat...hehehehe....

most important is.....Honest....thats is the key in social network such as facebook .... and ofcos beware of scam running.among. facebookers....such as drug.scam. and so on...

last word...... enjoy having millons of friends around the globe.... coz from there we know.and.learn a

- cheers -

Monday 6 June 2011

darwisy taqiuddin....

he's enjoying his fav. drink - anything with strawberry....heheehe.

weekend with kiddos.... Quality Time...

spending quality time with kids n wife is an awesome moments...i think everyone is planning for sonething - school holiday period for the kids n ofcos wife/husband....

last weekend i spend my weekend with my kids n my wife in bandar seri begawan. we went to a few places like pantai serasa in muara n go shopping in gadong mall...

plan to have a buggy ride in pantai serasa but due to my was cancel...hehee... i didnt know that saturday afternoon is very quite bz over there....coz i tot thats it will be full oacked coz its a.weekend..hehhehe.... so have to plan for next visit...hehehe...

thanks to a friend , haji yus, who introduced me a nice place to have a dinner - lamb kebab...hehehe...nothing extra special but the place setup is very nice n different...hehhee...and the kebab oso sedap...hahaaha...

on sunday, we have a breakfast in LAMEE cafe in gadong....which one of my favourite place to eat hehee...having a no.1 dish - lamee soup.... my boy have a godzilla milo and deep fry prawn with french fries . my gal have to share the lamee with me...hehehe...
my wife having a tofu lamee...

late afternoon we make a move back to miri.
its a tiring weekend but i do anything for my fam.
they very happy. ;)

here some pica taken during the weekend....


Friday 27 May 2011

darky v10.1

after few flashing the update,my battery consumption is a bit high which the drop percentage is really insane...hehehe....but i will calibrate the battery and see whether the consumption still drop crazy...or not.

here i attached a pica - snapshot of darky rom n dark kernel. n of cos gingerbread 2.3.3 firmware loaded in.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Darky v10

Oh yeahhh.....finally updated my samsung galaxy s using darky v10 and jvh kernel....

Monday 23 May 2011

lets play....

i just check out darky forum to get news about latest development....
im happ y to see that.....finally we have darky 10.1 version is out.... hehehe....

Sunday 22 May 2011

Saturday 21 May 2011

go beyond....

oh well....sometimes we love to put ourself in fantasy land....such as being a hero...a superhero i guess.... superman? spidey? hmmm...ultraman...? hehehehe... we love to catch bad guys n whacked 'em all...with a single punch....hahaha....

or....or....being a ruthless mafia head...hahahaa....what a fantasy...

why the title is "go beyond..." ....???
i also dunno...i just like it thats way... ehh hey...wait a minute....this my blog ....i say whatever i want...hehehe.... am i sober....?
ofcos i am sober....coz i dun take ahcohol ....ehhehehe....

oh well...what i want to write is....if u got something in ur mind....some plan....some business strategy .... go ahead..... even its sound crazy to some people..... doh....dun bother...
ofcos someday.... people will say....
---why i never think about that...?
---tat guy is genius ....

but if u fail.... people wont bother about it...unless u hang urself in the toilet lah....hehhehee....then people start to say...tat guy is so stupid...hang himself....

dare to fail...????
do u.... ?????

in life, everday we face new thing(s).new challenge(s).... whether we like it or now....thats a fact....the only thing matters is how we face that challenge(s)... positively or negatively....

a problem in work scope is a challenge.
a proper strategy n good thinking is the only way to solve any problems in our works.analyst the problem properly.
2 heads is better than 1 head....more heads even better....hehehehe...what i try to say is...get other people opinions...solution...way might be more effective...n ofcos it reduce our time frame in solving any problem occured.

seek an advise....dun just jump into any conclusion....go outside of the box...get people involvement...dun b scare of other people would steal our idea(s)...if tat happen... just might not ur day yet...

lastly...go beyond.....
widen our horizone....

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Android and my samsung galaxy s

its been awhile also im using a custom ROM - DARKY....
even im stucked with 2.2.1 firmware but i really satisfied with it...term of speed and realibilty and of battery drain issue...its really help me to overcome such problem as ben face by other android n samsung galaxy s users (i think...hehehhe...)

now as far as i know Darky is stop the development of his rom due to personal whats next...??

do i need to flash back to original rom? and go for the latest update of android for samsung galaxy s firmware...?
or should i go try for others custom ROM...?

well only time will tell...hehehe...

its been awhile...(again..)

yeah...its pretty bz for me since with works n photography thingy... as such as covering a royal wedding in Shah Alam n also in Brunei in last April.

June is need to prep something for kiddos...coz of school holiday...oh yeahh...

family comes first....and ofcos quality time for my own family...a simple family xtvt such as bbq is enough...(i think..hehehe...)

a piece of advise from me...use the golden time of ur free time with ur family....coz kiddos need a papa attention more than ur works...

Friday 1 April 2011

samsung galaxy s & darky

After doing tweaking n flashing n ofcos more reading about custom ROM,i decided to stay on darky rom...hehehe....and today im runinng on darky 9.5 with dark room...

Result : stable....yep i think its more stable than previous rom version.(oh ya forget test on my bluetooth connection which i had a slight prob...will feed back later)

battery wise i cant tell yet cos i need to calibrate my batt. hehehehehe.... here i attached a pic of my environment on my SGS...

Samsung Galaxy S is an awesome smartphone i ever use...hehehe...
And ofcos with android os...ots give me more flexi cos its an open source...
An awesome camera....a beautiful output of HD format on movie....
Its really an awesome smartphone.

What about SGS II???hmmmm ...when the time comes....then maybe....(its a maybe..) i will get it too...hahaha

Friday 25 March 2011

Samsung Galaxy S & ANDROID

is been awhile already im using Samsung Galaxy S with android Froyo loaded in.
i been using some of the apps downloaded from the market...yeah some of the apps is really awesome such as load under Photography roof.... such as camera360, picsay and so on and so on....

after months using the stock ROM.... and after reading and keep dig more info on custom ROM... hehehe 2 days ago... i flash and install custom ROM on my phone - Samsung Galaxy S....

output : ???

hell yeahhh.... after flashing n installing the custom ROM.... the phone is more speedy and more responsive compare on stock ROM.... its really rawk......

what ROM i use ??

it called DARKY - Extreme Edition....

i will try to provide more infos on link(s) that really help me on flashing n installing the custom ROM

Thursday 24 March 2011

kari..kari...chicken curry....

Heavy metal punya buddy -HBK... Introduce curry chicken rice....hahaaha....
This is consider bfast plus lunch....brunchhhhh....kekekek

Thursday 3 March 2011

samsung galaxy s and macro mode

...seriously im a fanatic of macro photography whether is a still or life macro. With samsung galaxy s, i still can enjoy my macro photography even im not carry my dslr...hehehe....
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Wednesday 23 February 2011

27th Brunei Darussalam National Day

This morning as early 5am i got a wake call from my buddy, prep.thing n ready to what i.uderstand is.if.we entering bandar.seri begawan late say by 6am find parking.well move also good.coz the.air the clean.heheheh..i guess....

So here i update upload a few.pica tat taken using samsung galaxy s during the national day parade.... free tomorrow then i will upload some.from my eos camera...
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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Apps : retro camera

Retro Camera

Give a try on this apps is pretty cool...hehehe...
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Monday 21 February 2011

sunset on the 18 Feb 2011

here is picture during the photoshoot on the 18 feb using eos 50d + efs 17-85 ( same view as what i posted in previous blog on the 18 feb.... :) )

re-edit it using photomatix +  LR + element  hehehe

original shots is in bracketing mode so i use the photomatix to combine those pics into hdri mode.
LR to re-edit exposure | saturation | add a bit vignetting :D
PS element to compose a bit and to add the signature.....

Friday 18 February 2011

sunset photogaphy...using samsung galaxy s

After few days of "hunting" for sunset but end up with frustration coz of the rainy season i think...

Today me n my buddy,HBK when again at Makam diLuba..for birdy photoshoot...but end with sunset photoshoot hahahaha....

Here a picture that i take using Samsung Galaxy S during our photoshoot xtvt.... I will upload also pictures from my 50D...soon...if i manage to install some "required" sw hehehe...

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Monday 14 February 2011


Yesterday i when fishing with all my niece....we when to kuala miri. Opposite sidw of pulau melayu...
Caught a few "gelama kuning"...
So around six something...i see the skyline..wahhhhh very nice the colors.... Frust coz i didnt bring along my dslr.... Yeahhhh what to not photography outing.
Luckily i have my samsung galaxy sone of the photos taken yesterday. ....Sunset....

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Tuesday 8 February 2011 D2..

Plan come BSB...coz danisha not feeling i dont want to take wrong consideration...who knows...on the to bsb...anything could happen...

So change a bit plan for darwisy...hehehe at least spend some moments with him n her lil sis,danisha...So we when to bintang plaza...drop at mc'd n having happy meals heheehee...

Here some photos taken using samsung galaxy s....

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Wednesday 2 February 2011


Its...chinese new year....this year is a rabbbit year....
Hope this year bring more luck and of cos a healthy life for everyone...
This year not much different in term of the celebration...i guess...

Oh ya talking about a prosperous year...i will doing my best to assist my buddy-hbk in doing photography business...hehehe...insya-Allah...may Allah our tag team...hehehe....

So....during festi season...pls dont drink n drive.....
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Thursday 27 January 2011

sunset @ ICC

Testing samsung galaxy s and android apps . Here some of the shots...
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my lil princess...

actually this pica is old already...hehehe.but im testing an apps on my phone.hehe...
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Wednesday 26 January 2011

time to change...

Well..after taking a few consideration,now i change my cellphone line from prepaid to a fix line.hehehe.
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android attack...

hehehe.its been awhile i didnt update here(again...) hehehee...
In-actual fact there a lot of photo(s)
i wanna upload n share it but bcoz of bz n job load have do it later on.

Thats not the story for actual about a smart phone -galaxy s hehehe.loaded with froyo.i think its awesome...

hopefully i have time today to share the experience of new galaxy. :-)
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Monday 10 January 2011

"dawn in the wonderland"

last sunday(09/01/2011) morning at 530am i make my move to "bukit akina". i been awhile tat i wanna do a landscape shoot out at "bukit akina" especially sunrise... coz my target was foggy scene hehehe...

never the less im happy. while setting up my eq , theres a few passerby  asking, "what am i doing?" "site seeing?" "tengok anak bulan ka?" hehehee...

the nite b4 im praying it will be a rainy... only tat can create the foggy scene... heheehe... Allah is the ultimate creator... malay says, "kita hanya mampu merancang...hanya Dia menentukan." means we only can plan, but Allah who decide the outcome..."

here is the pic which i called it, "dawn in he wonderland..."

thanks for viewing...

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Monday 3 January 2011

Happy New Year ..... 2011

its already on the 3rd day of 2011.... oh well...another 362 days to go for 2012... hahaha....

i wish everyone a happy new year.... hope this year we "strike" for a better "life exploration" hehehe...
and ofcos a better life style.... quit smoking??? hahahaha... i dunno.... every year wanna quit but still with the same habit kekekeke...

HaPpY NeW YeaR 2011....
